How Does Your Content Garden Grow?
I started composting recently. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years, but since I live on the 22nd floor of a New York City apartment building, it never seemed doable. But I happened to see a post in a Facebook group for my neighborhood and decided to give it a try. I ordered my compost bin and bags from Amazon (not the most eco-friendly, I know) and I keep the bin in my fridge to prevent it from smelling. Then every Sunday I take the scraps to my local farmer’s market where they use the food to nourish the soil and produce food for others to eat. Not only does this mean I make one less trip to the trash compactor room each week, putting less in a landfill, but I feel great in knowing that I am helping something new grow from something I’ve already used.lock. Use a contrasting background to draw attention to this content.
Reduce, Reuse, Upcycle
This got me to thinking about content. I know, totally a logical thread, but bear with me. Most of the content created on the internet ends up being viewed once and then tossed into the “internet landfill” where it will languish forever. But what if you could compost your content? What if you could take something you’ve already created and use it to create other content, giving it more chances to be seen by more audiences in more places?
Sector Spotlight: FinTech
It’s actually something I’ve already been doing for many of my clients. Take my FinTech client. I create Case Studies for them, which involves interviewing the partners they work with.Because of these interviews, I’m also able to create conversations to use as a LinkedIn post from their CEO and a blog for their website, both of which act as a sit-down conversation between two influential business leaders. So that one piece of content is now three, on three different platforms, serving three distinct audiences.

Sector Spotlight: Non-Profit
Another client, a non-profit, has an extensive library of research and infographics. Much of this research is still relevant, even if it might be years old. But simply creating a social post to link to old content isn’t composting. In order to create something new, I take that content and turn it into new social graphics, a new page on their website, a blog post and even a newsletter or interactive quiz.

Are you ready to start composting your content?